mardi 4 novembre 2014

[Wii U] The Fall : une trilogie annoncée dont un second opus daté pour l'automne 2015

C'est en août dernier que le studio Over the Moon Games a sorti sur l'eShop US de la Wii U leur titre intitulé The Fall  ! Alors que l'on attend bien sagement la sortie du jeu en Europe, qui devrait d'ailleurs se faire en novembre si tout va bien, le studio annonce via un communiqué de presse qu'un second épisode sortira en automne 2015. Le studio en profite aussi pour annoncer qu'un troisième épisode verra le jour, eh oui le jeu étant une trilogie. Je vous laisse découvrir ce communiqué ci-dessous ainsi que l'annonce faite sur Miiverse... 

Communiqué de presse :
Episode 2 of The Fall to come in 2015
Sales of "The Fall" have fully funded development of the entire trilogy

Hey there!
A short and sweet note from John and I to you. We've been getting lots of questions about the future of The Fall, and want to make sure that you know, that the next episode of "The Fall" has been fully funded and will be released in early Autumn 2015.

From John: " It was always our goal to find a way to make them, even if our sales were almost non-existent, but thankfully we've had enough interest that making them will be easy."

John and the team are working on the next chapter of Arid's story, and we'll be updating you here are we have more to share.

Until then, we're still working on our WiiU EU/AUS launch (fingers crossed for a November release) and porting to the XBOX One and PS4. Lots on the go!

Want to hear it from the horses mouth? Here's our confirmations in Steam and in the Miiverse.

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